Wisconsin Apartment Association Connecting the Rental Community ... Right Next Door and Across the State.

Forming a New Landlord Association

WAA Helps Landlords Get Organized!

As Wisconsin's largest state-wide landlord organization,, WAA encourages landlord groups to get together on a regular basis. Such groups allow landlords and property managers to network with each other and to effectively address specific issues of Local concern.

How to Start a Local Apartment Association

  1. You only need 5 or 6 landlords/owners/property managers to start a Local Apartment Association.Forming a New Landlord Association in Wisconsin
  2. You can get a list of rental property owners in your area from:
    • Locksmith, Hardware or Building Supply store
    • Tax Assessor’s Office
    • Fire Department
    • Utility Company
  3. Choose a location for your first meeting
    • A Diner or Restaurant with a Meeting Room
    • VFW
    • Library
    • City Offices
    • Chamber of Commerce
    • Tech School or other Schools
  4. Pick a date and time for the first meeting. (And tell the WAA office at (920) 230-9221).
  5. Make a few invitation calls; Run an ad or “PSA” in your local media announcing your meeting.
  6. Make copies of a one-hour agenda for the first meeting. Topics might include:
    • Common Landlord concerns & the benefits of networking together
    • Discussion of local Municipal, Political & Regulatory issues
    • Possible educational offerings and/or guest speakers for future meetings
    • Brainstorm related businesses that might join as Business Associate Members
    • Determine a good monthly meeting day, time, and place

The Wisconsin Apartment Association (WAA) can work with you to develop agendas, telephone scripts, mailings, advertisements, and handouts you may want at the first, or subsequent meetings. Depending on availability, a WAA representative may be able to attend your first meeting to answer questions and assist in getting your Local Landlord Association founded.

At your first meeting...

  1. Be enthusiastic . . . it's contagious!
  2. Do not be afraid to ask the best and busiest people to be leaders. Seven out of ten will probably say "yes," and they will get the job done.
  3. Talk about a name for your Local association.
  4. Discuss and decide the purpose of your Local. Write it down.
  5. Choose Officers and a person to prepare mailings. The Secretary might be responsible for mailings, but getting someone else involved is important. You may choose a Program Chairperson at this time, if there are people ready to be involved.
  6. Give people specific, important jobs with deadlines.
  7. Determine a good monthly meeting day, time, and place.
  8. Set next meeting and advise that dues structure and applications for membership will be prepared for membership at that time.
  9. Ask all present to be at the next meeting and to bring someone else.
  10. Have fun with your new group!

After the Meeting..

  1. Take the initiative to follow up to ensure that all assigned tasks are being done.
  2. Be sure that a program will be chosen in time for the next meeting. It is suggested that you pick an area where there is an issue locally -- police, building inspection, fire department, trash removal, etc. and secure a speaker from that department to discuss the problems from their point of view. Early cooperation and liaison with your local officials will pay big dividends. Other areas of mutual concern will surface at the meeting -- fair housing, collection, legal procedures. Choose your first program to meet the biggest concerns.
  3. Report the formation and purpose of your group to news media.
  4. Officers should hold one meeting to decide dues structure, etc. Applications for membership should be prepared, so that dues can be collected at the very next meeting.
  5. Don't be discouraged if you have only a handful of interested people in the beginning. Your Association will grow if you determine the needs of landlords in your area and meet them!
  6. Build something FUN into meetings!

Once You Have Formed Your Local Apartment Association, What's the Next Step?

The Answer -Click here for Group "Affiliate" Membership